Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Your Vote Matters!!!

Don't give up on Democracy!!!! If you haven't yet done so, register to vote. Click here: There are enough Democrats in this country that if every single one voted we could unseat Bush and his entire greedy entourage of liars, sneaks, and blowhards! Let's do it!

Sunday, August 29, 2004

Someone You Know Is Gay...

This is a video a friend and I had made for a website, now defunct, called Someone You Know Is Gay.  The video is barely dated and the message is still quite valid.  We have much progress to make as a community and a country.

  • View the flash movie. 
  • Start talking about the gays and lesbians you know in positive, humanizing terms
  • Donate, if you're able, to the JGN, working for a Community Without Closets in Michigan and beyond. Go to and click on Donate Now
  • E-mail, Tweet, and share on FB with everyone you know asking them to follow your example.
Don't let the radical right wing be the only ones talking about gay and lesbian Americans. Act now and and be a hero!
  Posted by Hello