I blinked.
That's how it happened.
Tonight, as I blessed my son before blessing the wine and challah at our Shabbat table, we were both standing up. I noticed that I was looking up at his beautiful face. It took him until the last sentence of the blessing to figure out why I looked so puzzled and surprised. He is suddenly taller than I am. Only a few short weeks ago, we had checked and I still had about a half-inch on him. Now, if my hand felt correctly when we stood back-to-back in our stocking feet, he has an inch on me. So we said Shehecheyanu together (the Hebrew blessing for arriving at an auspicious moment). I remain in shock. Quite pleased with himself, "You're next!" he tosses at his Mama with a gleeful grin. We sit down to bless G-d for the meal and enjoy it.