Friday, September 09, 2011

Little Things 1: Math Homework

As I sit here in my peaceful house on a greyish day, anticipating Shabbat--the Jewish Sabbath--and remembering 9/11/2001, I realize it's the little things...

My son lies on the deck doing his math homework out loud, the neighbor's cat stretched out next to him, listening and purring so loud I can hear from inside.  Math has ever been a thorn in my boy's side and Jax (the cat) has always been a comfort.  The boy also has a teacher this year whose teaching style is far more suited to his learning style than last year's teacher was.   So, his math anxiety decreases every day.  And math homework time doesn't raise my blood pressure and test my patience.   My son sounds calm and happy as he works, and I am grateful.

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